Implant fits well like my teeth!
Honest implants
Implant, Make your best choice!
Before you implant placement, check it out again carefully
Are we well-experienced medical staff?
Do we save your natural teeth?
Do we guarantee follow-up management?
Do we use a reliable material?
Do we use custom implant prosthetic material?
Is the disinfection system well equipped?
We have a specialist on implants to do the right surgery for each patient's teeth, and we have the right implant for each patient teeth.
We run our own dental laboratory, and we produce the key materials needed for implants very quickly. High-tech equipment and other technologies provide full management of time and cost savings for treatment as well as post-sales service.
We use only the best certified implant material such as Dio, OSSTEM, straumann and issue a warranty.
We operate a post-management program after the implant is placed. We can give you oral care including implants.
Line-up will perform more accurate and safer implants with the latest digital devices such as Digital Oral Scanner, 3DCT, etc.
Find right implant for you here
It's not all about the procedure
Find the exact procedure for each case, and then apply the implant without re-surgery.
Re-surgery implant
One-day implant
Dentures implant
Customized with our own dental laboratory
Use zirconia prosthetic appliance
Oral Acute Surgery Specialist's Guide, Implant Re-surgery Rate 0%
Continuously post-careable dentistry
Honest medical treatment and reasonable pricing
Operation of Strict Sterilization and Hygiene Management System
Dental who is fully responsible for the issue of the implant warranty
Operation of the exclusive management program for implants
Upper molars implant
Bottom molars implant
Incisive teeth implant
We are a hospital that complies with the standard terms and conditions of implantation established by the Fair Trade Commission.
We will be responsible for preventing any therapeutic disadvantages from beginning to end with the implant.