A long face is an awkward, unnatural face because it is longer in length than the width of the face. Often accompanied by lantern jaws and facial asymmetry, the method of surgery would be changed accordingly. If you have lantern jaw or jaw area is long, the jaw end can be cut to treat under moderation. If the jaw end is accompanied by an malocclusion, facial symmetry and protruded lips, double jaw surgery is required.
Cut the tip of the chin into a wide triangle shape like a sandwich.
Remove the middle bone piece.
Collect the restrained jaw end and fix it with a tool.
The upper jaw is cut from the bottom of the nose to an angle of 45 degrees.
The lower jaw is cut between the jawbone and the jaw joint at the back of the molar.
Move to the normal position.
Secure the chin with a tool.
Depending on the individual, maxillofacial Surgery may have side effects of inflammation, bleeding, and nerve damage.
For long face surgery, you should choose the surgical method with an ideal facial ratio. If the lower jaw is only long and the face looks longer, it can be improved by a simpler operation, but if it is accompanied by a functional problem, the fundamental solution must be made through double-jaw surgery. In addition, surgery plans require cooperation of oral surgery and correctional departments.
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