Condition of ulitis is crucial for bone graft implant. If the patient lacks foundation bone (ulitis) at the point where the implant is intended to be implemented, after developing artificial bone or grafting bone from the patient, the implant may be implemented.
When the patient lacks alveolar bone to support the implant, place the implant at the ideal position.
Perform a bone graft to support the implant and fix the bone.
Cure the grafted bone for a while.
Patient’s tooth bone | |
Details | Patient’s tooth bone |
Pros | Cures well, no infection |
Cons | The patient needs to extract their tooth |
Autogenous bone | |
Details | Patient’s bone |
Pros | Cures well, no infection |
Cons | Costs more due to grafting surgery |
Allogenic bone | |
Details | Donated bone |
Pros | Similar to the above. |
Cons | Lacks curative powers and may be infectious |
Heterogenous bone | |
Details | Animal bone (Cows and etc) |
Pros | Easy access |
Cons | Lacks curative powers and may be infectious |
Alloplastic bone | |
Details | Artificial bone |
Pros | Easy to purchase and no infection |
Cons | No curative powers |
The grafted bone supports the implant when an adequate amount of bone is built up. Also helps to regain curability of the tooth itself.
Balance between the tooth and the gum is natural when the bone is supplemented.
Shortens curing period and the amount of surgery by performing bone graft and placing the implant at once.
For those who have suffered from implant because of bad gum or damaged ulitis.
Sinus is a hollow area near upper molar. Sinus bone graft’s purpose is to secure an adequate amount of space by filling the sinus with the graft to place the implant when sinus is near the tooth.
From time to time, depending on the patient, some patients have sinus where the upper jaw bone is supposed to be.
Lift up the sinus membrane to create space for the implant.
Fill the remaining gap with bone graft and place the implant.
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